Attention …


Leaders, Entrepreneurs, and All Christian Women Looking to Walk in Your Greatness!


If you’ve been on your faith walk for a while but seem to be stuck in bringing your dreams, goals and purpose to fruition; or if you’re ready to step out into the world in a big way but still have some nagging doubts, insecurities and fears to work through.  Maybe you appear to be “living the life” by the standards of everyone around you but you find yourself secretly thinking, there’s got to be more to life than this; then, my sister, it is time for a change; your change!


Come discover that “special something” that will light your fire and finally bring you the feelings of fulfillment and wholeness you’ve been longing for!





The LifeSpark Signature System

7 Steps To Living On Purpose And Walking In Your Greatness



Tereciah V. Smithen-Quintana






The LifeSpark Signature System is a process that not only prepares and equips you to realize your life’s purpose but you also gain the knowledge and support needed to leverage what‘s already in you (your passions, your gifts and your talents) to make a massive impact on the world.

With this system, you get a biblical yet practical approach to living your life on purpose, that goes so deep that you learn:


  • Who you are in totality (the whole woman) - so you can move forward with absolute clarity and direction

  • How to quickly begin reaching your goals and achieving your dreams, even the forgotten ones

  • How to make radical changes in your life, even if it means taking baby steps towards leaving your 9-5 or going into ministry or starting your own business, etc.

  • A biblical and step by step plan for living your life on purpose for God so you feel certain that you are glorifying Him daily through your life and actions

  • To feel confident and powerful in the skin you’re in

  • How to develop the leader within and begin walking in complete fulfillment of your purpose

  • An easy to read roadmap to living up to your own potential and walking in your greatness so that you can change the lives you were called to touch

In our 8 weeks together, you will:


1.    Identify (What is the Vision?) - Explore your heart and determine exactly what it is you want to accomplish with your life. Here we’ll clarify your purpose, your calling, your fulfillment and how this all plays out in your everyday life.

2.    Light (Action Speaks Loud) – Learn how to take your desires and your words and turn them into action; acknowledging what you’ve done thus far and precisely which steps you are willing to take to make your dreams come true. Here you will be equipped with the knowledge and tools needed for your next steps so that you get moving quickly.

3.    Encourage (Gain the Strength) - Go deeper in the word of God so that you gain the strength necessary for the next leg of your journey. Release the baggage that’s been holding you back. Here you will find the support from within and from others to move your life to the next level.

4.    Guide (Knowledge is the Key) – Learn what you need to know in order to reach your bigger goals and begin living your life on purpose. Identify what you must have for this next level and begin putting things in place. For example – business name, business type, spiritual gifts, seeding into self, spending the money to get the knowledge you need, breaking free from strongholds, etc.

5.    Support (Iron Sharpens Iron) – Create or expand your own organized network of support by linking up with groups, accountability and prayer partners, mentors, other likeminded people who are walking in their greatness and are pleased to seed into you.

6.    Transform (Where God Wants You to Be) – Start seeing and believing the BIG picture of what God says is possible for your life. Become empowered to take a hard look at your life and make the lifestyle changes necessary to live the greater purpose….What will it take to get you there? How long will it take? How do you see yourself today in comparison to 2 months ago?

7.    Complete (Imagine Me) – Ignite your greatness by walking in your newfound power and authority. Begin living God’s greater vision for your life authentically and powerfully. Enjoy happiness and meaning as you begin to expand your influence for maximum impact on the world around you.





With the LifeSpark Signature System Program, you get:


  • 8 (60 min) Tele-Classes (1 each week):With Tereciah, ~ where she walks you through each phase of the LifeSpark system, step by step

  • Action Worksheets: So you can put your learning into action before and after each class
  • Weekly Email: To follow up and make sure you continue to make progress

  • Group Talk with Q & A: Where you get to ask real world questions and get practical yet powerful solutions

  • Recordings: Of all the calls so you can listen in again whenever you need to.

And best of all, you get this opportunity to greatly improve your life without leaving the comfort of your home, without sacrificing your beliefs and without having to break the bank.


Copy of Tereciah’s Book, “My Journey To Your Beginning” – a guide for discovering your greatness .


And best of all, you get this opportunity to greatly improve your life without leaving the comfort of your home, without sacrificing your beliefs and without having to break the bank.


Your investment of only $297 gets you in


We have 2 payment options available - one time and two separate payments.


Yes Tereciah, I’m in…

I am ready to begin walking in my greatness!


One Time Payment of $297


Payment of $ 148.50 Now and second half payable on or before

 Tuesday, Nov 6th, 2012





Want to invest but resources are a bit low?  Maybe you want to get to know me better? If so, then be a part of my community and receive my weekly newsletter TRANSITION where you will not only be empowered but encouraged and equipped with tools to get you moving!


Yes, Tereciah, I want to be a part of your community!


P.S.  Regardless of where you are on your faith walk, the LifeSpark Signature System will ignite your spark to become the greater YOU that God needs you to be today!



Disclaimer:  This is where I tell you that the results are based on YOUR effort and how much you really want to get out of the rut your in and start moving.  This is not an end-all-fix-me course.  It is a course for those that are ready, willing and able and have the desire to manifest the vision God has placed within their hearts.  Obviously there are risk with all business.